Why I choose to study sociology?

Hello !

I have to confess that I'm not a such big fan of the humanities. In my childhood I was a big fan of biology and chemistry. Even in high school I was a student who belonged to the science class. I wanted to be a marine biology, because I love animals so much.

But everything has changed the time I turn 16 when I started to be an activist from the LGBTQ rights in my school. I met some feminist friends who taught me a lot of philosophy and history. That's how I discovered some careers that I'm interested, like Anthropology or Psychology. But I decided to study Sociology.

By far, My experience at the university has been good. I made friends who are passionate about the career and we studied together. I love learning new theories about the society !

In the future, I would like to work in an ONG specialized in protecting the rights of trans children and adolescents in the country, like OTD or Amanda Jofré.


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